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Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux
David Hows, Peter Membrey
A Common Faith (The Terry Lectures Series)
John Dewey
The Gate Behind the Wall
Samuel C. Heilman
Modernity: An Introduction to Modern Societies
Don Hubert, Kenneth Thompson, David Held, Stuart Hall
Lectures on Russian Literature
Vladimir Nabokov, Владимир Набоков
The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today
Kevin Bales;Ron Soodalter
In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower
Marcel Proust, Christopher Prendergast, James Grieve
Jean Stewart, B.C.J.G. Knight, Suzanne Sale, Gilbert Sale, Stendhal
Atlas of the Roman World
John Matthews, Tim J. Cornell
Lord Jim
Joseph Conrad

Creating Your Personal Life Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide for Designing the Life You've Always Wanted

Creating Your Personal Life Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide for Designing the Life You've Always Wanted - Michael Hyatt This 'book' is more of a pamphlet - it won't take you more than 20 minutes to 'read' through it. You don't have to agree wit everything the author says (for example, he is quite the Jesus freak but you can replace god/Jesus/the bible with whatever are the equivalent guiding/psi ritual principles/tools in your life), and if you keep and open mind you will likely have picked up a few nice tips and advises from the 40 some pages that have actual content. Add to that the fact that it is free, and that it provides some useful templates and lists, I'd say this ebooklet is definitely worth 20 minutes of your time. Honestly, in a world where 'ebooks' roughly around the quality of this are sold for $20+, I'd say that the author put this one out there for free alone should give you an incentive to at least take a look.